Friday, 14 December 2012

De jolis contes du Périgord

En cette période de Noël où il fait bon s’asseoir autour de la cheminée en famille et se raconter de belles histoires, voici quelques contes du Périgord.

Le faucheur de Saint-Médard

Une femme riche et avare qui avait reçu le droit de faucher autant de foin qu’elle le désirait  dans une prairie avoisinante en l’espace de 24 heures uniquement, prit à son service un certain Médard, faucheur renommé, afin d’accomplir cette tâche.  Toutefois, elle était mécontente de la lenteur de l’ouvrier qui ne semblait pas pressé pour se mettre à la besogne, alors qu’elle le nourrissait gracieusement aux divers repas de la journée.  Médard implorait calmement la patience de la riche femme et lui promettait que la fauche serait finie « avec l’aide de Dieu ».  Malgré les promesses tenues de l’homme, la femme ne lui fit pas confiance et refusa de le nourrir le dernier soir.  L’histoire dit qu’une pluie forte tomba à ce moment et pendant six semaines, pourrissant ainsi l’herbe fauchée par Médard.  Le dicton moderne est le suivant : « S’il pleut à la St Médard (8 Juin), il pleut quarante jours plus tard ».

La légende de la truffe

Une vieille femme errante et affamée, en Périgord, fut charitablement accueillie par un bûcheron qui n’avait pourtant pas grand-chose à lui offrir.  Par reconnaissance, la vieille dame qui s’était alors transformée en belle dame couverte de richesses, transforma de sa baguette d’or une pomme de terre en « pomme précieuse noire ».  Après s’être envolée par la cheminée sous forme d’une étincelle, le bûcheron découvrit dans son jardin un grand nombre de « pommes précieuses noires » au parfum si raffiné.  Ces petits trésors firent la richesse de l’homme et se répandirent dans tout le Périgord.  Telle est la légende de la truffe du Périgord.

Christmas tales from the Dordogne

Christmas is a time where friends and family like to gather up around the fireplace and to tell stories and tales.  

So here are two nice Dordogne tales “made in Périgord” and about Périgord.

The Saint-Médard harvestman

A rich and frugal woman had been given the right to harvest the field across from her home as much as she could, but only in a period of 24 hours.  She hired Médard, a renowned harvestman in the Dordogne region, to accomplish this physical task.  However, from the early morning she brought his meal to the man in the field, she found him to be slow and quite lazy, which infuriated her.  Médard kept reassuring the woman the harvest would be finished by night, “with God’s help”.  But the woman did not believe him and, to show her fury towards the man, she refused to prepare his last meal that night.  According to the tale, it started raining very hard, a downpour in fact, that lasted six long weeks and destroyed the harvest in the field.  Today, the saying goes: “when it rains on Saint Médard day (8 June), it will still rain forty days later”.

The legend of the truffle

A very old and starved lady who was wandering around the Dordogne region was once rescued by a very poor lumberjack who welcomed her in his home.  To show how grateful she was for his kindness, the old lady turned magically into a beautiful young wealthy lady and, using her golden magic wand, transformed a potato into a “precious black apple”.  Once the fairy disappeared like a spark through the fireplace, the lumberjack found his garden to be full of these unique-smelling and so sought-after “precious black apples”.  But they weren’t apples.  They made the man very rich as they were in fact the famous truffles from Périgord also known as “black gold” because of their high retail price.  Such is the Périgord truffles tale.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Occitan language in Périgord - Dordogne.

Occitan language in Dordogne and symbol
A recent article in the « Sud Ouest » local newspaper mentioned the use of the Occitan language in our region and in connection with places names and their etymological origin. If you pay close attention whilst travelling around Dordogne, you will notice both French and Occitan being used on certain town/city signs.

A few examples are:

• Périgord = Perigòrd

• Périgueux = Perigüers

• Saint-Astier = Sench Astier

• Sarlat-la-Canéda = Sarlat e la Canedat

• River Dordogne = Dordonha

• Le Bugue = Al Buga

• Bergerac = Brageirac

• Brantôme = Brantòsme

… and many others along the way. Hundreds of villages and thousands of hamlets in Périgord have an Occitan name that is not officially acknowledged today. The Occitan language had a predominant place starting in the XII century, so much in fact it even became an administrative and legal language in the Middle Ages in the South of France. However, it slowly regressed as French, Spanish and Italian took over.

Etymologically, Occitan finds its roots from Prehistorical times when places names came from natural landmarks and/or geographical structure. This explains such names as puei for hill, valada for valley, cròs for cave, font for fountain or prada for meadow and bòsc for woods, both Occitan and French being roman languages and being similar. The suffix –ens is also a vestige of the occitan language, and it can be found in such names as Mausens, Festalens and Vansens for example (Mauzens-et-Miremont in the sector of Le Bugue, Festalemps or Vanxains in the Ribérac region). The occitan meaning of kal is stone or rock, sal heights, dur water and vis river: all this becomes evident with names such as Calés/Chaleix; Sarlat and Sarlande, as well as certain rivers names in our region: Dordonha (the Dordogne river) or Drona (the Dronne river); vis can be found in Vesera (the Vézère river) and in Auvesera (the Auvézère river).

The Occitan language is offered to students in certain schools in Dordogne, either as a compulsory or an optional course, along with other more commonly used languages … demonstrating its will to survive.

Langue Occitane en Périgord

Occitane en Dordogne
Un article récent dans le journal « Sud Ouest » aborde le sujet des toponymes occitans dans notre région, à savoir l’étude des noms de lieux, leur signification et leur étymologie en langue occitane ou « langue d’oc ». Ainsi on peut trouver sur certains panneaux à l’entrée de nos villages/villes Périgourdins, le nom du lieu en langue occitane inscrit sous le nom en langue française.

Quelques exemples :

• Périgord = Perigòrd

• Antonne-et-Trigonant = Antona e Trigonant (en projet)

• Périgueux = Perigüers

• Saint-Astier = Sench Astier

• Sarlat-la-Canéda = Sarlat e la Canedat

• Rivière Dordogne = Dordonha

• Le Bugue = Al Buga

• Bergerac = Brageirac

• Brantôme = Brantòsme

… et tant d’autres. Des centaines de communes et des milliers de lieux-dits en Périgord ont un nom occitan, lequel n’est pourtant pas officiellement reconnu aujourd’hui. L’occitan est une langue qui a eu une importance certaine à partir du XII siècle, pour devenir même une langue administrative et juridique au Moyen-âge. Au fil des siècles, l’usage de la langue occitane a reculé pour laisser la place aux langues française, espagnole et italienne dans le Sud de la France.

Les toponymes les plus anciens trouvent peut-être leurs racines dans la langue préhistorique et de ce fait correspondent à des éléments géographiques inaltérables. Ainsi, la colline est le puei, la vallée la valada, la cavité est un cròs, font la fontaine ou prada la prairie et le bois un bòsc. Le suffixe –ens est également un vestige de la langue occitane, que l’on peut retrouver dans Mausens, Festalens et Vansens par exemple (Mauzens-et-Miremont dans le canton du Bugue, Festalemps ou Vanxains dans le Ribéracois). La racine kal correspond à la pierre ou au rocher, sal les hauteurs, dur l’eau et vis la rivière : d’où des noms de communes tels que Calés/Chaleix; Sarlat et Sarlande. Certains noms de cours d’eau en Dordogne : Dordonha (la Dordogne) ou Drona (la Dronne); vis se retrouve dans Vesera (la Vézère) et dans Auvesera (l’Auvézère).

La langue occitane est même proposée dans certains établissements scolaires de Dordogne en qualité de langue vivante obligatoire ou facultative …. qui veut survivre.

Recycling and usage of yellow bags in Dordogne

Residents of the Dordogne or “Périgourdins” can be very proud of their actions when it comes to recycling household waste and using efficiently the now famous “sacs jaunes” - “yellow bags”. Since 1st March 2012, it is permitted to recycle all types of plastics, packaging and containers in these yellow bags, without having to do a pre-selection of the type of plastic.

Not surprisingly, the results are overwhelming and go beyond what the administration in charge of refuge and recycling in Dordogne was expecting. Today, a Dordogne property housing a 4 person-family recycles 2 yellow bags per week versus 1 only before. Single people who had a problem filling up the bags because of their large capacity now have no problem at all to do so. The yellow bags/regular black bags trend is now inverted with a higher usage of yellow bags!

As a reminder and for hygiene purposes, during the French hot season (we still have hot days in autumn in Périgord) … make sure to empty your kitchen black bags often; if you cannot fill them up sufficiently, choose smaller ones that you will be able to throw away more regularly.

There is also another option for recycling in Dordogne which is composting, even if you live in a city, as advertised by the Communauté d’Agglomération Périgourdine (CAP). A system of “semi-collective” composting offers the possibilities to those living in town in residential buildings, those working in collectivities such as schools and/or hospitals and clinics, to compost their waste like private individuals can do in the countryside.

Périgourdins are models when it comes to Dordogne recycling and this choice to respect the environment deserves a big BRAVO.

Recyclage et utilisation des sacs jaunes en Dordogne

Les périgourdins peuvent être fiers de leurs bonnes habitudes dans le cadre du tri sélectif des déchets. En effet, depuis le 1er Mars 2012 les « sacs jaunes » accueillent tous les emballages en plastique sans exception.

Le résultat est incroyable et va au-delà des espérances des dirigeants des centres de déchets de Dordogne. Dorénavant, une famille périgourdine de 4 personnes recycle 2 sacs jaunes par semaine pour 1 sac auparavant. Les personnes vivant seules qui n’arrivaient pas à remplir les emballages jaunes auparavant, à cause de la grande taille de ces derniers, peuvent à présent le faire sans aucun problème. La tendance sacs jaunes/sacs noirs est même inversée avec un usage plus élevé de sacs jaunes !
Par précaution et en période de chaleur (comme nous avons toujours en cette arrière-saison) … assurez vous de ne pas garder vos sacs noirs trop longtemps dans vos cuisines et préférez donc des sacs de plus petite contenance que vous remplirez plus rapidement.
Il existe également l’option du compostage qui se développe même en agglomération, comme le souligne la Communauté d’Agglomération Périgourdine (CAP). Le système de compostage « semi-collectif » offre la possibilité aux résidants d’immeubles, de collectivités telles que des établissements scolaires et/ou des centres hospitaliers de Dordogne, de trier leurs déchets comme les particuliers le font en campagne.

Les Périgourdins sont des recycleurs/trieurs modèles respectueux de l’environnement. Une bonne action qui mérite d’être publiée et appréciée.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Local Périgord – Dordogne products

The Dordogne region is famous for its wonderful food, cuisine and local products. Here is a list of local products grown in Dordogne that make the “Périgourdins” proud of this wonderful corner of France:

- Foie gras – did you know the ducks and geese force-feeding process was already practiced in the Egyptian civilization, if we believe frescoes that have been discovered, dating 4500 years. Dordogne is the 5th largest French department producer of foie gras. In cooking, this product can be prepared in various ways from “cru”, to “mi-cuit” or “cuit”, according to your taste.

- Dordogne Truffles – also called the “black diamond” which gives an indication of this special mushroom’s market price. It is a very fragrant mushroom that grows underground around certain trees only and that is usually and mainly found by “truffier” dogs (pigs were also used).

- Walnuts – this nut is predominantly present in Dordogne and has probably been for 17 000 years, if shells traces found are any indication. All parts of the walnut can be used, from the walnut tree leaves (for dying purposes), the extract to the wood itself used by cabinet makers. Dordogne walnuts are “AOC” products which translates as “controlled designation of origin”.

- Strawberries – the Romans were already very fond of strawberries, a fruit that became wide-spread over the centuries, to eventually reach 16 categories by the end of the XIX century. Strawberries in Périgord are grown in the St-Estèphe and Vergt region, Dordogne being the second largest producer in France. In 2004, this fruit obtained the “IGP” label which is a European designation aiming at defending local products and their origin as well as their quality.

- Cèpes – another type of mushroom with a nutty taste and creamy texture, this famous fungus is a staple in the Dordogne food: prepared in omelets or rissolé with Sarladaises potatoes for example. Cèpes picking remains a secretive tradition among the locals, who do not openly divulge where the mushroom can be found in their forests and woodlands.

- Chestnuts – are not as common as they used to be but they are still used in French cuisine. Chestnuts can be roasted in a fire, pureed, used as a dessert or for baking purposes … but above all, they are sold around the festive end of the year holidays as “marrons glacés” (sugar glazed chestnuts). The Périgord chestnut has the “label rouge” for quality as well as the “IGP”.

- Wines – the Dordogne vineyards consist mainly of wines from the Bergerac, Monbazillac and Pécharmant regions and they gather 13 AOC all together.

Bon appétit in Dordogne – Périgord!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Les légendes, traditions et contes du Périgord - Dordogne et alentours

Chaque région française a ses propres contes, histoires, traditions et autres superstitions. En Périgord, l’histoire du « lébérou » prédomine. 

On dit que le lébérou était un animal effrayant poilu, errant la nuit, un loup-garou. Il était à la recherche de ses victimes qui avaient le malheur de se promener après la tombée de la nuit. De nombreux lieudits dans notre région portent des noms qui peuvent remonter, étymologiquement, au mot « lébérou » : « mas du loup », « gratteloup » etc…

C’est probablement la légende de « Burgou », né en 1811 dans le Limousin, de son vrai nom Jean Gourinchas, qui est la plus connue. Délinquant rural, il fit terreur au XIXème siècle accompagné d’une bande de voleurs …. pour devenir au final un héros régional dont on parle encore aujourd’hui.

Les pins lors d’un mariage Périgourdin. Cette tradition remonte à très loin, dès la fin du XIXème siècle. Les festivités débutant quelques jours avant le jour des noces, les voisins et les amis du futur couple de mariés allaient couper des pins dans les forêts de pinèdes. Ces arbres étaient ensuite plantés devant les maisons des parents des mariés, à la mairie, à l’église et devant le lieu du repas de la noce.

Aujourd’hui il est courant de voir de jolis sapins coupés et décorés de papier crépon rose et blanc, devant certaines maisons, aux intersections des petites routes du Périgord etc … Ils indiquent que des noces vont avoir, ou bien ont eu, lieu.

La même tradition avait lieu en Hollande : il était dit que les pins apporteraient chance et fertilité au futur couple.

Legends, traditions and stories from Dordogne – Périgord and other areas!

The Dordogne “lébérou”
 Each French region has its own stories, traditions and superstitions. In Périgord, there is much to say about the “lébérou”. 

The “lébérou” was a scary, hairy and mean creature, roaming the countryside and towns at night, in a way the equivalent of a wolf. It was looking for preys, people walking out at night. Today, many names of hamlets and “lieudits” can be etymologically explained as they derive from the word “lébérou” such as: « mas du loup », « gratteloup » etc…

It is probably the legend of “Burgou”, born Jean Gourinchas in the Limousin region in 1811, which is best known. As a rural delinquent working with a group of thieves in the XIX century, he spread terror around the Limousin region for years …. to end up a local hero whose name still comes up today.

Pine trees during a Périgourdin wedding. This tradition started at the end of the XIX century. The wedding festivities used to begin on Thursday, a few days before the actual wedding day. On that day, the village men used to go to the forest around the village to cut down a few pine trees. These trees were then planted in front of the parents’ homes, the town hall, the church and the party venue.

Today, it is still common to see little pine trees decorated with pink and white crepe paper, planted in front of houses, at streets’ intersections indicating a wedding did take place recently or will soon.

In Holland, the same tradition existed: the pine trees represented luck and fertility for the newlywed couple.

Beware of the upside down baguette in Dordogne!

Beware! Which way up do you lay your baguette? 
Upside down bread on a table 

This superstition began in the Middle Ages in France. Indeed, at a time when public executions usually took place on the village square for all to see, generally around lunchtime, the village people were intimidated by the executioner and highly respected him.

In order to reserve the executioner’s bread, the baker would turn it upside down to separate it from the other bread.

Today it is simply a superstition when people say “it is bad luck” to have an upside down bread on a table.

Superstitions moyenâgeuses qui nous font sourire aujourd’hui !

Un pain posé à l’envers sur une table  

C’est au Moyen-âge, en France, que cette superstition débute. En effet, à une époque où les exécutions avaient lieu sur la place publique du village, et généralement à l’heure du repas de midi, le bourreau était craint et respecté de tous.

Pour éviter que le boulanger ne vende le pain réservé au bourreau aux autres villageois, il le retournait de façon à ne pas le mélanger aux autres pains.

C’est pour cette raison qu’aujourd’hui, certains pensent qu’un pain retourné est synonyme de malheur.

Monday, 23 July 2012

The White House is in the Dordogne – Périgord – honestly!

A famous American monument known by all: the White House in Washington, DC.

Surprisingly, the Dordogne is proud to boast its own White House, for those travelling to our region: the Château of Rastignac in the “Bachellerie” village.  This building is renowned for its façade which is similar to the American White House’s South façade.  The architectural type is neoclassic.

Opinions and discussions are varied, numerous and divided in regards to which one the two is the original one and which is the copycat.   The construction of the Chateau of Rastignac, named after the aristocrat Marquis de Chapt de Rastignac, was only a project in 1780, and the actual work began in 1812 to end in 1817.  The architect’s name is not so clear.

The story is the following: Thomas Jefferson (American president from 1801 to 1809) was visiting France and went to the Bordeaux Architecture Academy in 1789.  It is likely he came across the Château of Rastignac architect’s sketches- which construction work hadn’t started yet.
The White House building work began in Washington in 1792.

Despite the historians’ divided opinions, the Périgourdin claims with great pride that the Château of Rastignac is indeed the real McCoy and the American White House is only a mere copy of it.  One thing is certain: the two are very similar in their architectural features.

American tourists visiting our Dordogne region don’t miss the opportunity to drive to the « Bachellerie » to admire the famous facade, along with many other visitors who are just as curious. 

Today and since 2004, the Château of Rastignac has been restored in five spacious residential apartments.

Château de Rastignac – Maison Blanche en Dordogne - Périgord

Un monument célébrissime américain connu de tous : la Maison Blanche à Washington, DC.

Etonnamment, la Dordogne offre aussi à ses visiteurs une Maison Blanche digne d’intérêt pour ceux qui sont dans la région : le Château de Rastignac dans la commune de la Bachellerie.   Ce monument a la particularité d’avoir une architecture identique à celle de la façade Sud de la Maison Blanche américaine.   Il est de type architectural néoclassique.

Les avis sont partagés concernant lequel de ces deux bâtiments est réellement l’original.  La construction du Château de Rastignac, qui porte le nom du Marquis de Chapt de Rastignac ayant lancé ce projet dès 1780, débuta en 1812 pour terminer 5 années plus tard.  Le nom exact de l’architecte est un peu flou.

Or, l’histoire raconte que Thomas Jefferson (Président Américain de 1801 à 1809) était en voyage à Bordeaux en 1789.  Il visita l’école d’architecture bordelaise dans laquelle les croquis  d’origine du Château de Rastignac étaient archivés- la construction du monument n’ayant pas encore débuté.
La construction de la Maison Blanche, the « White House », débuta à Washington en 1792.

Malgré les avis partagés des historiens intéressés par ces constructions, le périgourdin, lui, aime clamer avec fierté que le Château de Rastignac est bel et bien l’original et que la Maison Blanche Américaine en est la copie.   Une chose est certaine : il y a des similarités indéniables entre les deux demeures. 

Les touristes américains de passage en Dordogne ne manquent pas de faire un petit détour par la Bachellerie simplement pour admirer la fameuse façade, comme de nombreux autres touristes tout aussi curieux.  

Aujourd’hui et depuis 2004, le Château de Rastignac est rénové et abrite 5 appartements résidentiels spacieux.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Walking trails in Dordogne

Walking trails or « sentiers de randonnée/grande randonnée » in french are waymarked walking or hiking trails that cover the whole French territory as well as other European countries, maintained by volunteers. These paths are well marked with different colour lines, indicating the type of path, the direction, the difficulty, the distance etc … They criss-cross the French regions to cater to all tastes and levels of difficulty.

Out of the total of 60 000 kilometres of trails available in France, over 1300 kilometres of them are to be found in our own lovely Dordogne region alone.

It is an excellent and unusual approach to discovering beautiful Dordogne as well as being very good fror your health!

The main three GR trails found in Dordogne - Périgord are the: GR6, GR36 and GR654.

- GR6 : connects Aquitaine to Alpes Françaises. It goes through Périgord Vert in Brantôme and Bourdeilles, Périgord Blanc all the way to the Vézère Valley, famous for its prehistoric vestiges, to finally finish its course south of the Dordogne River near Sarlat and Bergerac.

- GR36 : It connects the Channel to the Mediterranean Sea. In Dordogne, it goes through Périgueux, Sarlat and the Vézère Valley.

- GR654 : it connects Belgium to South West France to eventually end the journey in Saint Jacques de Compostelle.

The choices of activities on the trails are varied. Whatever your preferences might be: from walking to climbing, hiking to riding a bike, or simply swimming in the many refreshing and clear waters along the way, as a well deserved treat. During this entire experience, an array of magnificent monuments, fields, wildlife and flora will unfold in front of your eyes for your pleasure only. Many Dordogne B&Bs and gites are available nearby the paths, for those who would rather divide their journey into smaller trips.

Enjoy your walking experience and this unique way to discover the region in Dordogne!

Les sentiers de Grande Randonnée (GR) en Dordogne

Les sentiers de GR sont des itinéraires balisés qui traversent tout le territoire national français, ainsi que d’autres pays européens, entretenus par des bénévoles. Ces itinéraires pédestres sont parfaitement bien indiqués par des balises de couleurs différentes. Ils parcourent tous types de paysages et de topographie, pour le plaisir des yeux et pour tous les goûts. Ces sentiers couvrent environ 60 000 kilomètres en France, dont 1 300 kilomètres de chemins de GR en Dordogne.

Voici donc une bonne idée si vous désirez découvrir notre magnifique région d’une façon plus originale. Les trois GR principaux traversant la Dordogne sont : GR6, GR36 et GR654.

- GR6 : il relie l’Aquitaine aux Alpes Françaises. Il permet de découvrir le Périgord Vert avec Brantôme et Bourdeilles, le Périgord Blanc jusqu'à la vallée de la Vézère classée pour ses vestiges préhistoriques pour continuer au Sud de la Dordogne vers Sarlat et Bergerac.

- GR36 : il relie la Manche à la Mer Méditerranée. En Dordogne, il traverse Périgueux, Sarlat et la vallée de la Vézère.

- GR654 : il relie la Belgique au Sud Ouest de la France vers Saint Jacques de Compostelle.

Vous aurez le choix de marcher, faire du VTT, vous rafraichir dans les rivières et les cours d’eau si nombreux en Périgord … tout en admirant les beautés architecturales, la faune et la flore du terroir. Au gré de vos randonnées, des hébergements sont disponibles permettant de segmenter votre aventure pour un repos bien mérité.

Alors bonne marche en Périgord et vive la randonnée !

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Music Hall in Dordogne - Périgord – yes it is possible … just like in Paris !

Whether you are French or foreign, you are bound to have heard about, or even been to, a famous show at a renowned Parisian cabaret: Le Lido, Le Moulin Rouge, Le Crazy Horse etc … among others.

Not too many people are aware of this, but our lovely Dordogne region also has its own cabaret: The Bergerac Music Hall.

This place high in glitter, colours, magic and glamour can welcome up to 500 spectators or 250 seated, for those who prefer the meal/show combined-option. The shows are diverse, colourful, entertaining and worth seeing, as they are truly orchestrated and delivered like professional ones in famous cabarets.

Total escape guaranteed and an original discovery of the French culture.

Needless to say the menus are also created using regional local seasonal products “du terroir”. Allow yourself an amazing combination of taste and pleasure of the eyes during an unforgettable moment in “Périgord Pourpre”.

It is recommended to book in advance. More information on the Bergerac Music Hall website.

Musical Hall en Périgord – oui c’est possible ... comme à Paris!

Que vous soyez français ou étranger, vous connaissez forcément, de loin ou de près, les fameux Music Hall Parisiens tels que Le Lido, Le Moulin Rouge, Le Crazy Horse etc…

Et bien la Dordogne n’a rien à envier à notre capitale française. Peu de personnes le savent et pourtant, il existe aussi un cabaret dans notre région : le Music Hall de Bergerac.

Ce lieu plein de paillettes, de couleurs, de magie et de glamour peut accueillir jusqu'à 500 spectateurs ou 250 couverts pour ceux qui opteront pour la formule repas (midi et soir)/spectacle. Les spectacles sont aussi diversifiés, colorés, divertissants et professionnels que dans un cabaret de grand nom … promettant un moment d’évasion totale et une découverte originale de la culture française pour les étrangers.

Sans oublier les menus qui offrent des plats du terroir élaborés avec des produits frais de saison. Le plaisir du goût et le régal des yeux, le temps d’un spectacle inoubliable en « Périgord Pourpre ».

Il est vivement conseillé de réserver. Renseignements sur le site web du Music Hall de Bergerac.

Monday, 16 July 2012

MIMOS Festival – celebrating 30 years of mime in Perigueux Dordogne!

At the dawn of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games about to open in London, Périgueux also has its own happening event to brag about. The MIMOS festival will begin on 30th July for a week until 4th August.

MIMOS is 30 years old this year. This mime festival originated in honor of the famous French mime Marcel Marceau, who lived in Périgueux. Through this eclectic artistic manifestation, the spectators discover various shows with the following themes: mime, dance, music, theatre, clowning, and puppetry … with emotion, all kinds of sensations and above all, a lot of originality. The setting is beautiful Périgueux with its cobblestone streets, quaint places, theatres, and other various landmarks around the city.

The MIMOS festivals attract more than 50 000 spectators each year, from all countries. Some shows have an admission fee but most are free. Workshops are also available making this manifestation an interactive and unique experience.

So when you are in Dordogne this summer, why don’t you stop by Périgueux and attend the 2012 MIMOS festival. It will be a different view on Dordogne and what it has to offer!


Périgueux n’a rien à envier à Londres qui va prochainement accueillir les Jeux Olympiques 2012. En effet, ce sera également bientôt la fête à Périgueux avec l’arrivée du Festival MIMOS dès le 30 Juillet pendant une semaine, pour finalement une clôture des festivités le 4 Août.

MIMOS a 30 ans cette année. Cette manifestation fut créée en hommage à Marcel Marceau qui a vécu à Périgueux dans sa jeunesse. Un festival très éclectique qui regroupe danse, chant, musique, théâtre, humour, poésie, mime … mais par-dessous tout beaucoup d’émotion, de sensations, de découvertes et d’originalité. Tous les ans a la même période, les diverses troupes artistiques se représentent dans les rues de Périgueux sous le soleil estival jusqu’au bout de la nuit, à l’Odyssée ou au Palace (théâtres de Périgueux), au Centre Culturel de la Visitation, dans divers lieux de l’agglomération périgourdine.

Les spectateurs affluent pour découvrir les divers spectacles, jusqu'à 50 000 personnes par édition.

Mimos 2012 vous attend pour ses nouvelles aventures artistiques.

Friday, 6 July 2012


À compter du 1er Juillet 2012, il est obligatoire de détenir un éthylotest chimique ou électronique dans son véhicule. Cette mesure vise principalement à réduire la mortalité sur les routes françaises et à responsabiliser les automobilistes.

Il est impératif que l’éthylotest soit labellisé « norme française ». Le cout varie entre 1€ et 2€ pour un éthylotest chimique à usage unique et plus de 100€ pour un éthylotest électronique réutilisable (éthylometre).

Ces appareils sont disponibles dans de nombreux points de vente.

La sanction sera de 11€ en cas d’absence dans le véhicule ; cependant, il est bon de savoir que les automobilistes ont jusqu'au 1er Novembre 2012 pour se procurer un éthylotest.

Enfin, pour la petite anecdote, sachez que cet appareil « ivressomètre » comme il est appelé au Canada, est AUSSI obligatoire dans les engins agricoles … 1 200 000 tracteurs français et autres moissonneuses batteuses devront donc s’en équiper, avant de parcourir nos routes de campagne !


As of 1st July 2012, it is now mandatory to have a breathalyser kit in any car driving in France. This recent law has come into force in an attempt to reduce accidents and road deaths and mortality caused by alcohol on the roads and to give a sense of responsibility to drivers.

It is important the equipment is EC approved. The cost varies from 1€ to 2€ for single use breathalyzers up to over 100€ for electronic reusable ones. They are available in various sale points throughout France. However, it is interesting to note there already is a shortage of such equipment in France due to the diligent response from drivers wishing to buy a test for their car and currently they are hard to locate for purchase.

Motorists without a kit will be faced with an on the spot fine of 11€, including foreigners driving on French roads. However, there will be a grace period until 1st November 2012.

Random checks will be made by French police through the Channel Tunnel to enforce this law. So make sure to be prepared with such a breathalyser in your car, when travelling to France.

As a reminder to all our French property hunters who will be driving in France, the drink-driving limit in France is 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood – 30 mg less than the UK limit!

On a lighter and ironic note, this French law also applies to tractors and all agricultural driving machinery… that accounts for approximately 1 200 000 vehicles in France!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

The most beautiful tree award!

The Dordogne is renowned for stunning scenery but this tree made me pull the car over on the way back from property visits yesterday!

Check out the amazing stalagmite style roots. The tree has grown in the centre of a small pond.

We love the Dordogne and it's treasured landscape exactly because of the natural wonders all around us.


We love this photo. It makes us feel happy!

The DPA team

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

There are wood piles and then there is this! Photo taken today whilst visiting a stunning property in Villamblard. Suffice to say the house was very tidy :-)

Friday, 20 April 2012

Higher and higher....!

The highest rate seen yet this year for GBP/Euro currency exchange  1.2251

This effectively means a French property worth €300.000 euros today is now £23.000 cheaper to purchase than 4 months ago!

In which about putting an offer in on this beautiful Dordogne property!

For the best currency rates for your French property project - click here to speak to our Dordogne Property Agency currency experts 

French Mortgages getting cheaper making holiday homes more affordable!

Courtesy of our French mortgage colleagues at IPF we are posting an interesting article concerning French property finance which was published in the money section of the Financial Times this week.

Click here to read to download and read the article

To obtain details of the latest French mortgage rates please click here

The upshot of the article is that the cost of borrowing to purchase a French property has now fallen due to the lower cost of wholesale lending to major banks.

With the lowest French property prices for a decade, improving exchange rates and ever cheaper property finance it is no wonder we are seeing the significant increases in activity in the French property market experienced at our Dordogne based head offices.

Click here to read to article

To obtain details or even a full quotation of the latest French mortgage rates please click here

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Euro sterling reaches new highs!

Just seen a spot price for Euro / Sterling of 1.2124.  It's been many a moon since we have seen sterling this strong and if this level is maintained it represents an important breakthrough. It will be good for confidence generally, excellent for our tourism in France and we think this could therefore be a sparking point for increased market activity in resales of French properties to UK buyers.

Many buyers have been waiting for the best conditions.  With prices at competitive levels and improving exchange rates boosting confidence, it will be interesting to watch this space....

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Hugely important changes in the wings concerning French inheritance laws!

In 10 years of being an estate agent in the Dordogne region of France, this single announcement could potentially have the biggest significance of any change to French law concerning the purchase of French property by non-French nationals.

If you own a French property or are planning to own one in the future, the implementation of the planned changes could radically change your attitude towards your purchase and more importantly allow you to decide the fate of your assets and real estate in the event of your untimely demise.

This will materially allow owners of French property to protect members of their family in a manner chosen by their own needs and desires rather than being dictated to by the rather old-fashioned Napoleonic laws which has been the case in France since the early 1800s!

Effectively, the European parliament has recently passed new regulations which will allow expats who own property in France in France to be able to decide and dictate in a will that they want the law of the state of their nationality to apply to their estate and not French inheritance law.

We will be keeping a very close eye on this issue so come back regularly to view our blog for updates and more information.

Dordogne Property Agency

Friday, 2 March 2012

No catch! - Our free tip on how to get 3 months free advertising for your Dordogne rental property with top French holiday specialist website

Do you rent your French property in the Dordogne, Charente or other regions of France to holidaymakers?

Do you want 3 months totally free advertising for your French rental property (no catch and no further obligations) with Chez-nous - the top French rental specialists?

At the best time of year for securing those vital bookings, the Dordogne Property Agency can bring you a top inside tip on how to get this valuable advertising for free!  Be quick the offer ends on 13th April 2012!!

We already did it for our property!

Click this link for details

This is not one of those too good to be true things... it is is good and it is true!

Enjoy those extra bookings

The team at the Dordogne Property Agency

Why is Chez Nous so successful?

•We are the number 1 France specialist

•Over 27 years of experience in the book-direct with owner market

•Fully optimised websites and huge investments in online advertising to appear on page 1 of Google

•One of the only book direct websites to offer online booking

•Online marketing campaign supported with offline customer mailings, press advertising and PR

Choose from one of the FREE advertising options

It's your risk-free way to see how we can generate bookings for you. All you need to do is read the information below and then set your advert up before the 13th April 2012. Then, leave the rest to us…

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

How to contact the Dordogne Property Agency

As well as visiting the Dordogne Property Agency website directly, you can now contact us quickly and easily using our shiny new online contact form - see link below.

Contact the Dordogne Property Agency 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, 20 February 2012

London to Dordogne flights for 2012

Regular flights are in service between London City and Brive-Dordogne Valley airport, operated by City Jet.

Currently there are two flights a week, on Fridays and Sundays.  A more frequent service will be offered from late March for the Dordogne high tourist season.

The new Brive-Dordogne Valley airport was opened in 2010 and is located on the eastern edge of the Dordogne only 1 hour from our Dordogne offices via the A89 Autoroute.

Dordogne Property Finder Service

Here are some details about our no-cost Dordogne property finder service designed for clients looking to find and purchase their dream property in the Dordogne without the usual hassle.  Click the link to learn more about this useful service which is aimed at time-poor Dordogne property hunters who need an efficient approach to their Dordogne property search.

The door to the dream Dordogne property?

Clever things those panoramic cameras...!

Brantome and the River Dronne in the Périgord Vert region of Dordogne.

Time for a walk in the sun?

The sun is shining and I swear that my dog (who sits under my desk!) has just said "go out"!!? A short stroll is in order I think to profit from this wonderful early sunshine irrespective of whether she actually asked me to take her out :-)

Dordogne properties for sale...on video!

If you prefer to watch video compilations of interesting Dordogne properties for sale as part of your property search, or simply because learning about French properties and the property market interests you, then why not take a look at the brand new Dordogne Property Agency video channel? This can be viewed directly on the Dordogne Property Agency Facebook page or directly on our You tube video channel 

Here we showcase a range of interesting French properties for sale in a more innovative and appealing fashion.  Over time we intend to add to the content by including a range of informative videos and slide shows giving tips of the trade and advice on the best approach to purchasing a property in France or selling a French property in the Dordogne.